Research Article Writing Terms and Conditions

Writing research articles in JCOSE Journal is as follows:

1. The systematic writing of the article consists of several parts:

  1. ARTICLE TITLE is written clearly and attractively, not exceeding 15 words. Under the title the name of the author is written, as well as his institution (name of Progdi, Faculty and College).
  2. ABSTRACT is a summary of research that includes: research problems and objectives, research methods, results and benefits in the form of suggestions or implications for research results. Abstract is presented at the beginning of the text and consists of 150 to 400 words and is written in Indonesian and English.
  3. INTRODUCTION outlines the theoretical background, previous and empirical findings, problems and objectives of writing the article.
  4. RESEARCH METHODS include determination of the sample (subject), selection and data collection methods, measurement techniques, and data analysis.
  5. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION contain analysis of research data and necessary descriptive data, research results that thoroughly and systematically answer the problems discussed, and discussion. The research analysis may be accompanied by figures and tables.
  6. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS/IMPLICATIONS contains conclusions from the research results, suggestions based on the research results, accompanied by arguments and solutions, and if necessary, convey the implications of the findings and suggestions for further research.
  7. REFERENCE LIST contains sources cited in the writing of the article. Only sources referenced in the article are included in the reference list.


2. Systematic The writing of the manuscript will be determined in the following manner:

  1. Research results, dissertation or thesis summary: title, author's name, abstract, keywords, introduction, the core part consists of methods-results and discussion analysis, conclusions and suggestions, bibliographyConceptual articles: Title, author's name, abstract, keywords, introduction, body, conclusion, bibliography.
  2. New Book Review: Analytical and critical review of a newly published book, 1-4 pages in length.
  3. Articles should be written on A4 paper with 1.5 line spacing and 3.5 cm margins at the top and left, and 3 cm at the bottom and right. The maximum length of the article is 6,000 words, using Calisto MT font size 10.
  4. Long direct quotations (more than 3.5 lines) are indented with 1 line spacing. In-text citations should be in parentheses and include the author's last name, year, and page.
  5. The reference list shall be written with the following provisions:
  • The list of references is arranged in alphabetical order of the author's name or the name of the writing institution.
  • The order of each reference is the author's name, year of publication, title of the journal/research or textbook, name of the city of publication, name of the publisher (for journals, the page number).
  • Manuscripts received by the Editorial Office will be selected by an expert editor, and if the manuscript is declared unfit for publication, it will be returned to the author for refinement according to the article writing technique determined by the Editor.
  1. The author is required to complete a certification that:
  • The article is original to him or her and there is no element of plagiarism.
  • The article has never been published in any print, online, or journal media.


