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This study aims to identify the academic persistence of students in South Sulawesi based on aspects of Age, Education Level and Grade level. This research uses Descriptive Quantitative research method. The subjects of the study were students from various schools in South Sulawesi at the junior high, high school and vocational levels totaling 1230 students. The research instruments are: The academic Persistence Scale refers to (Constantin, Holman, &; Hojbotǎ, 2012) 12 items and developed by (Talib, Paramitha Hanafi, Fahmi Aufar, Irbah, &; S, 2018) which divides into three aspects of persistence taken based on the concept motivational persistence i.e. Long-term purposes pursuing (LTPP), Current purposes pursuing (CPP) and Recurrence of unattained purposes (RUP) totaling 45 items, Data analysis techniques using ANOVA. The results showed that the academic persistence of students was in the high category, there were significant differences in aspects of students' current goals in persistence seen from their age. In the aspect of education level at the SMA/SMK/MA Equivalent and SMP/MTS levels, there is no difference seen from some aspects of Persistence and aspects of grade XII, class XI, class X, class IX, class VIII, and class VII levels, there is also no difference seen from some aspects of Persistence
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