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Flourishing is when individuals achieve complete mental health so they have positive psychological, social and emotional functioning so they can control themselves. This is important for potential helpers because when they develop themselves, they will already have positive psychological, social and emotional functions. So this research aims to determine the importance of flourishing for guidance and counseling students as prospective students. The method used in this research is a literature review by examining journals found on Google Scholar between 2017-2023 with the keyword "flourishing". So we obtained seven relevant journals that could answer the researchers' questions. The results of this research show the importance of flourishing for students, especially prospective helpers, and the need for support for students to achieve flourishing within themselves by creating a conducive environment and providing students with optimal opportunities to have academic and social support, so that students become potential helpers. mentally healthy with flourishing within them. The findings in this research can become study material for further research to empirically test the level of flourishing in guidance and counseling students as potential helpers.

Key: Flourishing, guidance and counseling students, helper.



Flourishing, guidance and counseling students, helper.

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How to Cite
Herdiansyah, D., & Nurul Hanifah Puteri. (2023). Flourishing bagi Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Sebagai Calon Helper. JCOSE Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 6(1), 8-17.


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